Friday, June 5, 2009

The End of Week One!

Well, it's definitely been a challenging first week at the academy! Ryan had his first round of PT yesterday and it was more challenging than he expected...think Biggest Loser (at the end of the show) on stairoids. Today he has PT and then his first run at the academy. He worked really hard at home to prepare for the physical demands, but it sounds like the PT Staff push everyone as far as they can be pushed. So no matter your physical ability, you will get better.

He said the yelling hasn't been too bad yet. Fortunately, he has flown under the radar this week and so he hasn't been a target. He said that some of the Staff Office (the mean officers that yell) are also mentors. When they have their hats on, they are mean and yell at you. When they take their hats off, they are nice and will answer questions and encourage you. Talk about a split personality disorder. As crazy as it sounds though, the yelling does serve a purpose. It will enable Ryan to keep his cool as an officer on the streets. I know I can't imagine it yet, but the people he will come into contact with are not always going to be nice to him. Part of their trainging needs to be learning how to keep their cool and think clearly in stressful situations, i.e, when someone's in your face yelling at you.

Ryan also started his first class this week. We were told at the orientation that the cadets will do two years of college work in the six months they are at the academy. They began this week with a Criminal Justice class, and Ryan really likes the instructor. Thankfully they understand the need for a relaxed learning environment so the instructor is humorous at times and speaks in a normal tone of voice. I'm sure it's a nice break for the cadets.

Ryan has asked that we continue to pray for physical strength for PT and the running. Let's also pray that he continues to stay under the radar. He'll stay out of trouble this way.

One week down...26 to go!


The Jackson's said...

The Jackson's are praying!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ry,
I miss you already and its only been a week.
Learn what you have to learn, do what you have to do, and persevere during the tough times so that you will come out of there the best that you can be.
110% everyday, in every area, will set for you a good foundation for your career to take a step from.
This time will go by quickly so make some memories while you're there....
We (Vanessa and I) are pulling for ya and praying for ya....
Love ya bro, Cliff